What is our companies purpose?
This is a good question. On our websites home page, our mission statement reads:
“Our mission is to maintain excellent client relationships. We uphold our mission by providing clients with the best service possible along with superior construction, product quality and providing accurate project deadlines and budget estimates.”
I think that is a good start but I am not sure it adequately defines our company purpose as it relates to all of our activities. I plan to revisit this question over and over again in this blog and talk about it in more ways than one. But as a general outline I think a company has different purposes as it relates to it’s customers, it’s employees and it’s community. To adequately define all that in terms of a mission statement is pretty tough. If we start with our customers which is where I think we need to start then our Mission Statement sets us on the right track. To elaborate on it more I think we hope to produce a superior product but at the same time control costs and maintain efficiencies. I think that is the mark of a good company and what builds confidence with customers. There have been times where that doesn’t always work out. Call it the nature of the construction business. That is what really makes the difference though. How you come through it. How well your company is able to react to diversity and get the job done. Perhaps a mistake gets made or we’re not getting it done for some reason. Are we accessible? Can we adapt? Can we preserve the relationship and keep the lines of communication open? We can all make alot of claims when it is in a post on a website. So I guess our purpose then is to make our words into reality and deliver what we say when we say it.
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