Spotlight: CoGeneration Steam Tunnel, UNC
The prepared road-bed
The prepared road-bed
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If you have an asphalt parking lot, and have had to maintain it for any amount of time, then you probably know what we’re talking about when it comes to repairs. Sooner or later (one hopes for later) you’re going to have to address issues with your asphalt surface in the form of patching. The… Read more »
When answering this question it is important to first understand exactly how the mud got there and it all comes back to proper preventative maintenance. Typically, if you see mud showing through in your blacktop it means that water usually by way of a surface crack has penetrated beyond the gravel base and into the… Read more »
The next 5 questions (13-17) from the top 50 paving maintenance questions are on the subject of cracking: 13. My lot has cracking can you repair the cracks? 14. What is the difference between normal cracking and alligator cracking? 15. What are my options for fixing the alligator areas? 16. You said there is reflective… Read more »