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Proper Drainage Systems

Not sure what this means? Well, some of the most hazardous situations in your parking lot can be the result of this so let me explain. The above equation is known as the time of concentration, or Tc. It is the time in minutes, for a raindrop to travel from the most distant point in… Read more »

Maintenance Budgets Effected by Economic Woes

Clearly the economic woes have taken their toll on facility managers’ budgets. Not only have expansion plans been tabled but normal day to day maintenance budgets for parking lots, roads and other structural surfaces have been slashed as well. It is not uncommon these days to see deteriorating conditions in parking lots getting worse because… Read more »

Spotlight: Laquinta and the Problem with ADA Compliance

These are the kind of comments from customers that make this job worthwhile… “I have finally made it back down to Raleigh and was very pleased with the end results here! Nice Job, and not the easiest one to blend back but it looks good.” “Just wanted to let you know- the client was extremely… Read more »

Spotlight: Magna Composites Design/Build

Location: Magna Composites, Salisbury NC Issue: The facility required an overflow parking lot in order to provide additional spaces for their ever growing employee base. They stipulated a 76 space minimum, the new lot’s location, and a wish to keep costs low. Solution: Pave South sent their surveyor to assess the initial site conditions and… Read more »

Spotlight: Lone Star Steakhouse, Statesville, NC

Job: Lone Star Steakhouse Pavement Repair Location: Statesville, NC Issue: A large pothole had developed in the facility’s parking lot and was in need of repair. Solution: The area was coned off for traffic control The failed area was then saw-cut The failed pavement was removed and the sub-grade prepped Once the sub-grade had been… Read more »

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A portion of our proceeds this year will go toward the Make-A-Wish® Foundation.
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