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Your Road Map To A Durable Parking Lot

What is the difference between Sealcoating, Sealer, Resurfacing, and Overlaying? With winter fast approaching, the time is now to begin preparing your parking lot. The arrival of freezing temperatures typically brings more and more pothole-stricken customers asking us about sealcoating, sealer, overlaying and resurfacing. With more than four generations of experience, the professionals at Raleigh… Read more »

Benefits Of Recycled Asphalt Materials

Eco-Friendly Asphalt Paving Raleigh For years, asphalt paving had been stuck in the stone ages when it came to sustainable, “green” pavement initiatives. But today, Raleigh Paving is revolutionizing the industry with environmentally-conscious, recycled paving strategies that are proving beneficial to more than just our planet. In this article, we’ll teach you about the different ways we are ‘thinking… Read more »

How to Deal with Potholes

No one wants to deal with a pothole. However, as a driving hazard, tripping hazard, and overall eyesore, potholes are an unfortunate act of nature that should be addressed ASAP. Not only do they pose potential problems for drivers and pedestrians, but they also produce rich breeding grounds for personal injury lawsuits against business owners…. Read more »

7 Common Pavement Markings Decrypted

A Friendly Reminder What All Those Markings Mean Where parking lot lines are fairly straightforward, intuitive indications of where you can and cannot park, pavement markings we encounter elsewhere on the road can be a bit more confusing. It’s been a long time since Driver’s Ed. for many of us, which is why the experts… Read more »

worker in parking lot
What's Best
For Your Lot
Do you need all new asphalt or will fresh sealcoating do the trick?
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pouring asphalt
how we
do paving
Our experts manage every last detail so your project goes smoothly.
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child smiling
we're granting
a child's wish!
A portion of our proceeds this year will go toward the Make-A-Wish® Foundation.
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